109 Elgin St, Carlton VIC 3053
(03) 9347 0006

Get in touch

See our frequently asked questions below, or contact us by submitting the enquiry form below.

Abla’s unfortunately does not offer catering services, we apologise for the inconvenience.

We can offer the entirety of our upstairs space for bookings from 30-40 people. Additionally, we can seperate the space with a room divider for bookings of 10 and 20 people. 

To purchase a voucher, please contact us on 9347 0006. Alternatively, please express your interest in an email using the form below, and we will contact you within 2 days. 

A table with food at Abla's lebanese restaurant

Have a Question?

Submit your enquiry below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. For reservations, please CLICK HERE or call us on 9347 0006. 

Opening Hours

Dine In
Monday – Saturday
6:00pm – 11:00pm
Kitchen: 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Monday – Thursday
From 5:00pm

Our Details


109 Elgin St, Carlton VIC 3053


(03) 9347 0006

